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EPPO in Zagreb: indictments in case of unlawful favouritism

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Croatian version below

Two suspects – an employee of the Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG BICRO) and the owner of a graphic design business – have been indicted for unlawful favouritism and incitement to unlawful favouritism, following an investigation by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Zagreb.

As previously reported, in the period from September 2020 to October 2021, the first defendant, an employee of HAMAG BICRO, managed the project ‘Development of a network of institutions to support entrepreneurship through HAMAG BICRO’. Within this project, graphic design and the production of promotional materials were requested through a public procurement procedure. According to the results of an investigation by the EPPO in Zagreb, the first defendant had arranged for the second defendant to be awarded a public procurement contract entitled ‘Graphic design and production of promotional materials’, at an estimated value of €113 000. The second defendant is not only the owner of a graphic design business, but is also the cousin of the first defendant.

Despite the interference of the first defendant in the process of preparing and implementing the public procurement procedure, and her perseverance in selecting the second defendant’s company – even after the State Commission for the Supervision of Public Procurement Procedures had annulled her decision in the first place – another bidder was selected for the respective services, in the end.


EPPO u Zagrebu: optužnica u slučaju nezakonitog pogodovanja

Nakon istrage koju je proveo Ured europskog javnog tužitelja (EPPO) u Zagrebu, protiv zaposlenice Hrvatske agencije za malo gospodarstvo, inovacije i investicije (HAMAG-BICRO) i vlasnika grafičkog obrta podignuta je optužnica zbog kaznenih djela nezakonitog pogodovanja i poticanja na nezakonito pogodovanje.

Kao što je ranije objavljeno, u razdoblju od rujna 2020. do listopada 2021. godine, prvookrivljena, zaposlenica HAMAG-BICRO-a, vodila je projekt „Razvoj mreže poduzetničkih potpornih institucija putem HAMAG-BICRO-a“. U postupku javne nabave u okviru ovoga projekta zatraženo je grafičko oblikovanje i izrada promotivnih materijala. Prema rezultatima istrage koju je proveo EPPO u Zagrebu, prvookrivljena je poduzela radnje kako bi osigurala da se  ugovor o javnoj nabavi  naziva „Grafičko oblikovanje i izrada promotivnih materijala“ procijenjene vrijednosti od 113.000 eura, bez obzira na zaprimljene ponude drugih ponuditelja, sukladno dogovoru, dodijeli drugookrivljeniku, koji je ne samo vlasnik obrta za grafički dizajn, već i rođak prvookrivljene.

Unatoč svim poduzetim radnjama pogodovanja prvookrivljene u procesu pripreme i provedbe postupka javne nabave, kao i njezinom ustrajanju na odabiru obrta drugookrivljenika, čak i nakon što je Državna komisija za kontrolu postupaka javne nabave poništila njezinu prvotnu odluku, na kraju je odabran drugi ponuditelj predmetnih usluga.