On 1 June 2021, the EPPO started operations, but the idea of a European Public Prosecutor emerged a long time before that. Discover more about the key events that led to the creation of the EPPO, as well as the developments since our operational launch.

Mission and tasks
We are responsible for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the financial interests of the EU. Learn more about what this means, and the types of crimes we tackle.

Here we explain the organisational structure of the EPPO, including the College, the Permanent Chambers and our offices in the participating Member States.

International cooperation
To investigate transnational and complex financial crimes, notably serious organised crimes and money laundering flows, we work closely with the authorities of non-participating EU Member States and the authorities of non-EU states. Here you will find the full list of working arrangements signed so far, as well as the list of specialised networks and international organisations to which we are a member or observer.