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EPPO starts investigation against mayor of Croatian city

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(Croatian version below)

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office has initiated an investigation against four Croatian citizens regarding criminal offences of active and passive corruption and abuse of functions. The investigation started after inquiries were conducted on the basis of a criminal report filed by the Croatian National Police Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organised Crime.

There are reasonable grounds to believe that the first defendant, who is the mayor of Nova Gradiška, requested from the second defendant, the manager of a construction company, a bribe in return for the manipulation of a procurement procedure in order to secure the assignment of a project, co-financed by the EU Cohesion Fund,  for the amount of HRK 4,219,433.22 (around EUR 562,000.00).

It is suspected that the third and the fourth defendants adjusted the technical requirements of the tender and created a scoring system for the evaluation of the bids that gave an advantage to the company managed by the second defendant. The contract was awarded by the first defendant to the company of the second defendant. As a consequence, the city of Nova Gradiška was possibly damaged for no less than HRK 90,624.21 (around EUR 12,000) and the EU Cohesion Fund was damaged for no less than HRK 427,228.43 (around EUR 57,000).

Considering that the first defendant, besides being a mayor of Nova Gradiška, is also a member of the Croatian Parliament and as such is protected by immunity, the Croatian Parliament granted an approval for initiating criminal proceedings against the first defendant, after a request filed by the European Chief Prosecutor.
Lifting immunity at this stage of the procedure is exclusively aimed at obtaining the approval to initiate a criminal investigation, in full respect of the principle of the presumption of innocence.



Ured europskog javnog tužitelja započeo je istragu protiv gradonačelnika jednog Grada u Republici Hrvatskoj

Ured europskog javnog tužitelja je na temelju kaznene prijave Policijskog nacionalnog ureda za suzbijanje korupcije i organiziranog kriminaliteta otvorio istragu protiv 4 državljanina Republike Hrvatske zbog kaznenih djela koja uključuju aktivne i pasivne koruptivne radnje i zlouporabu položaja.

Naime, postoji osnovana sumnja da je I okrivljenik, kao gradonačelnik Grada Nova Gradiška od II okrivljenika stvarnog voditelja poslovanja jednog trgovačkog društva zatražio mito u zamjenu za manipulaciju postupkom javne nabave s ciljem osiguranja dodjele jednog projekta sufinanciranog od strane Europskog kohezijskog fonda u iznosu od 4.219.433,22 kuna (cca 562.000,00 €) trgovačkom društvu II okrivljenika.

Također, postoji osnovana sumnja da su III I IV okrivljenici prilagodili Dokumentaciju o nabavi, konkretno uvjete tehničke sposobnosti i kriterije za evaluaciju i bodovanje pristiglih ponuda na način da su osigurali prednost trgovačkom društvu II okrivljenika.

Projekt je na koncu dodijeljen trgovačkom društvu II okrivljenika, uslijed čega je Grad Nova Gradiška oštećen za iznos od najmanje 90.624,21 kuna (cca 12.000,00 €), a Europski kohezijski fond za iznos od najmanje 427.228,43 kuna (cca 57.000,00 €).

Obzirom da je I okrivljenik, pored toga što je gradonačelnik Grada Nova Gradiška, ujedno i zastupnik u Hrvatskom Saboru te je zaštićen imunitetom, Hrvatski Sabor je na zahtjev Glavne europske tužiteljice dao odobrenje za pokretanje kaznenog postupka protiv I okrivljenika.

Podnošenje navedenog zahtjeva Hrvatskom Saboru, u toj je fazi postupanja bilo isključivo usmjereno na dobivanje odobrenja za vođenje kaznenog postupka protiv I okrivljenika, pri čemu ni na koji način nije dovedena u pitanje presumpcija nevinosti.