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The independent public prosecution office of the EU
Report a crime


Who is hosting the site and is responsible for the technical implementation?

This website is hosted by the European Commission’s services and provided for the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). The EPPO has not implemented its own analytics on the website, or uses cookies or the like beyond those provided for in the standard Europa Analytics package inherent to all domains. For the specific policies on cookies and the associated data protection notice, please see the below points.

Who is responsible for which part of the content:

The EPPO manages the content of the website, including any information available on it. An exception to this applies for any external links or content hosted stemming from third parties, such as integration of Twitter feeds or posts. The EPPO, despite regularly reviewing any external links or integrated content or feeds, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, content or privacy policies of any of the destination sites or integrated content displayed. No rights may be derived, and no guarantees are provided for the accuracy, of any part of the content of this website or linked information.

I have spotted an error, a broken link, or have concerns about the content:

If you feel you have spotted an inaccuracy, error or non-functioning link, or feel that content we link to is incorrect or faulty, please contact us by email to info (at) or send us a letter to: EPPO, 11 Avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg.

I have seen (my) personal data on the website and believe it to be inaccurate, or wish it removed:

The amount of personal data published on our website is minimal, and in its majority will concern post holders of the EPPO, with direct contacts to the public, or other parties forming part of the public debate or persons of public interest. Where the inaccuracies concern your personal data, please contact us by email to info (at) or send us a letter to: EPPO, 11 Avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg. 

You can also contact the EPPO’s Data Protection Officer by email to DPO (at), or by by mail marked for the attention of the Data Protection Officer, EPPO, 11, Avenue John F. Kennedy, 1855 Luxembourg. This is without prejudice to your abilities to address yourself directly to the European Data Protection Supervisor, which can be contacted by email to edps (at), or by post to the European Data Protection Supervisor, Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels.

I wish to use the logos or copy the texts:

The content of the website as well as the logo of the EPPO, is subject to copyright. Third party content, logos and destinations of external links are not subject to EPPO control and may contain their own designated policies and legal notices.


The EPPO uses the services of the European Commission, which in turn uses a designated service developed for all sites hosted on the domains, such as the EPPO website, i.e. This is called Europa Analytics.

The data collected via Europa Analytics contains no personal data and the random unique visitor ID that is generated by the software cannot be used to identify a particular visitor. Information will not be shared with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes.

For more details on Europa Analytics, please see here. An extract from the disclaimer of Europa Analytics is provided below, concerning the main use of the cookies and what is stored on the visitor – without revealing their identity.

Europa Analytics Cookies & Data Collection

Europa Analytics is configured to use the domain (used by European institutions' websites) and to store first-party cookies that expire and will be automatically removed from the user’s device after 13 months.

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on the visitor’s computer or mobile device. There are two types of cookies – session and persistent cookies. Further information on the use of cookies specific to this website, can be found under the cookie policy or, in more general terms on a Commission level, here

Cookies used by Europa Analytics allow the collection of the following information about visitors that is used to prepare aggregated, anonymous statistics reports of visitors’ activity:

  • internet protocol (IP) address (anonymised)
  • location: country, region, city, approximate latitude and longitude (geolocation)
  • date and time of the request (visit to the site)
  • title of the page being viewed (page title)
  • URL of the page being viewed (page URL)
  • URL of the page that was viewed prior to the current page (Referrer URL)
  • screen resolution of user's device
  • local time in visitor's time zone
  • files that were clicked and downloaded (download)
  • links to an outside domain that were clicked (outlink)
  • page generation time: the time it takes for webpages to be generated by the webserver and then downloaded by the visitor (page speed)
  • main language of the browser being used (accept language header)
  • browser version, browser plugins (PDF, Flash, Java) operating system version, device identifier (user agent header)
  • language of the visited page
  • campaigns
  • site Search
  • events

To improve the accuracy of the reports, certain information is also stored in first party cookies and then collected by Europa Analytics:

  • random unique Visitor ID
  • time of the first visit by the specific visitor
  • time of the previous visit by the specific visitor
  • number of visits by the specific visitor

Social media disclaimer

The EPPO is currently active on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Please note that none of these channels may be used to submit to the EPPO reports of criminal conduct or other information of operational significance. Mentioning the EPPO in social media posts will not be considered direct information or reporting for the purposes of the EPPO Regulation. No information sent through these channels will be followed up upon by our office.

Should you wish to submit online to the EPPO a report of a crime or other information of operational interest, we kindly ask you to make reference to the dedicated section in our website.

The EPPO’s use of social media exclusively aims at ensuring dissemination to the general public of information on our organisation, general activities, and events to which the Office participates. Our activity on these fora is intended to offer users of the social media platform an occasion to keep up to date with what we do.