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Three arrested in Croatia on suspicion of receiving and giving bribes in multi-million euro infrastructure project

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Croatian version below

Today, 14 July, three people were arrested in Croatia on suspicion of receiving and giving bribes in connection with the use of EU funds. The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), in cooperation with Croatia’s National Police Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organised Crime, is currently conducting urgent evidence-collecting activities in this regard.

The aforementioned activities refer to three persons alleged to have committed the criminal offences of receiving and giving bribes, in connection with the awarding of a tender works for the execution of the Extension and Reconstruction of the Waste Water Treatment Plant Project in the Croatian city of Varaždin. This project was co-funded by the European Union and was initially estimated at HRK 178 000 000.00 (€23.7 million).

The EPPO will, after questioning the suspects, make a decision on further actions in the case, and communicate in due time. Until then, no further details will be released.


Tri osobe uhićene u Hrvatskoj zbog sumnje na primanje i davanje mita u infrastrukturnom projektu vrijednom više milijuna eura

Danas, 14. srpnja, tri su osobe uhićene u Hrvatskoj zbog sumnje da su primale i davale mito u vezi korištenja EU fondova. U vezi s tim, Ured europskog javnog tužitelja (EPPO), u suradnji s Policijskim nacionalnim uredom za suzbijanje korupcije i organiziranog kriminaliteta, trenutno provodi hitne dokazne radnje.

Navedene radnje odnose se na tri osobe zbog sumnje na počinjenje kaznenih djela primanja i davanja mita vezano za dodjelu radova na izvođenju projekta Dogradnja i rekonstrukcija Uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u Varaždinu. Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija, a vrijednost radova prvobitno je procijenjena na 178 000 000,00 kuna (23,7 milijuna eura).

EPPO će nakon ispitivanja osumnjičenika donijeti odluku o daljnjem postupanju u predmetnom slučaju, o čemu će pravodobno obavijestiti javnost. Do tada neće biti objavljivane nikakve dodatne pojedinosti.